January 11, 2024    by Quan Bong

Pallet Detection Model Training

Embarking on the journey of training a pallet model requires meticulous preparation of the dataset. In this guide, we’ll walk through the crucial steps from collecting images to organizing data for effective training. Let’s dive in! Collecting Images for Training Before you begin training your pallet model, assemble a dataset of images relevant to your objectives. The size of the dataset depends on the complexity of your task and the desired accuracy level. Read more

January 11, 2024    by Allex Yeo That Chen

Enhancing AGV Navigation: YOLO Object Detection and CSRT Tracking

In the realm of autonomous systems, the use of cutting-edge technologies plays a pivotal role in ensuring efficient and safe operations. This article delves into the integration of YOLO (You Only Look Once) object detection and CSRT (Discriminative Correlation Filter with Channel and Spatial Reliability) tracking to empower an Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) with advanced capabilities. YOLO for Real-Time Object Detection: In the realm of autonomous systems, the use of cutting-edge technologies plays a pivotal role in ensuring efficient and safe operations. Read more

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